Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Lesson 1

I am working on the research for my masters thesis, topic is on an Inter domain Routing protocol for a Tactical Manet.
Basically I'm supposed to design a new routing protocol that can integrate a Manet with Legacy Networks ensure smooth and seamless routing and also handle both Multicast and Unicast Traffic. I am lucky because i am a trained Cisco Certified Networking Professional, so I'm pretty much comfortable with using and configuring routing protocols, applying that to Manets however might be a challenge, but then again i love challenges.
I am looking at using an OSPF extension for Manet, seeing as one already exists, i can tweak it and add a few properties to make it accomplish my set goals.
My number one problem right now is that, the simulation i am suppose to use to test this protocol is C++ based, and i have very little experience with programming, i did take some java classes sometime last year, but i had to leave Nigeria so i didn't conclude the classes, and i have abandoned everything i learnt since then so i might as well have not learnt anything.
*LESSON NUMBER 1* you don't learn something and not apply it or keep practicing , if you do that you would FORGET.

SO right now, I'm planning to teach myself C++, I'm going to download and buy all the necessary books off the Internet and have a go at it, *wish me luck*.

Today i am supposed to be doing some research on work done by other people on this topic, gather as much information as i can, and write up a survey for my professor, it is due on Tuesday next week, and i  still haven't started, *sigh* my mind keeps running away from me.

So much to do, so little time

1 comment:

Ms. Yellow Sisi Unspoken said...

ooo this is nice I shall be stalking you more I love computers but ran away to electrical my junior yr *hide face* but you know the saying there is nothing as good as first love so going back to computer for masters definitely looking forward to reading more from you

all the best with the thesis and as far as the C++ once you get the basic the rest of it would just be been able to analyze the problem before writing code and patience to find errors within codes

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