Tuesday, March 30, 2010


*fiction or is it?*
Lately I have been having really bad days
So many things are not going right
Especially in my relationship
Am just crossing my elbows and watching love go down the drain
The quarrels are getting intense now
The worries are becoming insurmountable
I try to explain
But he says I complain
I try to let him know all is not well
We can't keep sweeping issued under the rug
We need to let them air out and fly away
He has made me paranoid
I can't even tell my friends
Am scared
I am paranoid
LDR cannot work this way
We have to be in sync at all times
The distance is growing so large
Am so scared
I don't even know what I want anymore
I don't want to loose him
But a part of me says cutting my loses might be better
We are changing
Change is constant
Can I work away after everything
I love him
I love him so much
But there are issues
Can we keep hiding behind love
I notice things
Little things
Things that show me things are not the same
I turn a blind eye
But when u add them up together
Those lil things have become a mountain
Tearing us apart

I read a post on twitter
Apologising does not always mean that you are wrong and the other person is right… It simply means that you.. Cherish the relationship more than your ego

I am willing to say sorry, to pretend its all right, but I know it will only make it worse, cos he still doesn't change, I don't want him to tell me sorry, I want him to be the guy he was before

Things are changing
I wish I pressed pause months ago.
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doll (retired blogger) said...

fiction you said?

Rose said...

Heartfelt nonetheless...x

Jennifer A. said...

Sounds a little more than fiction. LDR's are hard, they take a lot of dedication <<< experience.

doll (retired blogger) said...

if u need to talk...with someone anonymous and who has been through this phase ...hit me up on dolchic@gmail.com..\


Fabulo-la said...

Maybe u need to take a moment and reflect inward?
or just focus on u for a while???

And I cant comment on the post after this jere. Sth is blocking the post comment button.


But err..if u find the answers to these questions biko I rlly want to know?

hang in there babesxxx

Blessing said...

I've been at this point before and trust me its a tought decision to make...all I can say is be true to yourself and make sure that what ever you decide will lead to your overall happiness and well-being...good luck and God bless!

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