Friday, May 27, 2011

Networking Skills

So yesterday on my way back from the seminar,
I went to the gym to register,
Yup, getting action back in my life
best money i ever spent since i got here

I am really happy though, really really excited about it.

The seminar is ended now and i learnt a lot of things
Met this Nigerian girl there and we got talking about stuff
She gave me some good advice about a lot of things
This week has been really good so far

My professor got back to me on the report i wrote and he really liked it
I was so proud of myself

2days ago one of my friends buzzes me that she has this guy she wants to introduce me to
after a lot of questions and analyzing i tell her to give him my pin
he adds me and we have been chatting kinda
I like his humor, id let u know how that goes.

Decided to make this summer as fun as I can get it
so yeah, friends or no friends, i am making the best of it
trying to reduce time spent tweeting and start doing more productive things
listening to videos that inspire on
and trying to buff up my linkedIN profile
that's my lesson for today.

Just got back from a friends birthday party, lots of people there
and i realize again the impact twitter is having on my social skills
i used to be so good at social gatherings
Selling myself and making friends
now i realize i spend more time tweeting about the people around me rather than talking to them.
I put my bb in my bag and got to mixing
so i wont say God didn't give me an opportunity to make friends

I have a really good feeling about this stage of my life


MsJB said...

Aww nice! And you should have told me you and your BB had a lil thing, I would have understood exactly why you couldn't see real friends when they came around ;)
and I love the sound of gym. Pls post pics as soon as the evidence starts to show, will you? LOL

BBB said...

looooool you are funny, yes i have a very unhealthy relationship, X_X

Laurenta said...
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